threekidsavatar.jpg I'm a stay-at-home mother to my three (sometimes) wonderful children. They are usually with me, since I homeschool them. We enjoy going into the GSMNP, Great Smoky Mountain National Park, and playing in nature. Occasionally, you can catch the hubby and kids fishing in the river. • 100 Things about ME
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Just Some Pictures – IMG HEAVY

I thought I would catch up by posting some pictures of the family.

Here we have a picture of all the kids with the ‘new’ trampoline.


trampolilne-with-dirty-jimmy.jpg DS2 got all dirty putting it back together.

These pictures are from free day at the Knoxville Zoo.

a-a-abby-with-mayo.jpg She’s trying to figure out if you can put mayo in tea.

a-a-jimmy-hatching.jpg Hatching from an egg is hard.

a-a-army-truck-smaller.jpg Driving at 10yo ?

Here are a few pics from the Harvest Festival at church.

a-a-abb-with-fish.jpg a-a-a-jimmy-hot.jpg

Couple of odd ball pictures….

a-a-a-jimmy-stacking.jpg He spent all night stacking those cups.

a-a-cotton-small.jpg DH’s Grandma grew this cotton from seed I gave her.

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